Clearance Sale!
The bags listed below are on clearance, so quantities are limited. Most of them were one-time buys, so the colors and/or sizes do not match our regular stock. There may also be variances in shade among bags of a particular color, although we will fill orders with the same shade whenever possible. Please note that the quantity shown in stock is only updated once per day, so the actual quantity available may be lower than shown. We will contact you if we do not have sufficient inventory to fill your order.
3x4 Bags only $0.08 each
1254 in stock
132 in stock
4.5x5.5 Bags only $0.12 each
902 in stock
220 in stock
5x8 Bags only $0.20 each
250 in stock
The 5x8 Black bags on clearance have a dark green satin ribbon (our normal bags have a black ribbon) |
6x9 Bags only $0.27 each
2845 in stock
4000 in stock
6x15 Bags only $0.36 each
226 in stock
238 in stock
Organza Bags
Satin Bags
Metallic Pouches
Specialty Pouches
Petal Garden, Inc.
219 Corporate DrBinghamton, NY 13904